Delivery of infrastructure promises is key
Transport infrastructure group Britpave has called on Chancellor George Osborne to use his forthcoming Budget to focus on addressing the transport needs of the UK.
Britpave wants the government to ensure the delivery of the infrastructure programme outlined in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement.
According to Britpave, investment in efficient and well-maintained transport infrastructure is key for economic growth. Yet the UK’s infrastructure is languishing at 28 in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2013-14 behind Malaysia at 25 and Barbados at 24.
Britpave chairman James Charlesworth said: “The UK’s transport infrastructure is increasingly being viewed as a barrier to business investment and economic growth. The Chancellor George Osborne must use his March budget to ensure delivery of the infrastructure programme outlined in his Autumn Statement.”
In the Autumn Statement, presented to Parliament last December, Osborne confirmed a programme of infrastructure projects totalling over £375 billion up to 2030 and beyond as part of a National Infrastructure Plan. An Infrastructure Pipeline of projects was published alongside the Plan to provide an overview of planned and potential UK infrastructure investment.
“The National Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline provide a much needed vision for infrastructure. Now the Chancellor needs to expand on the detail of specific projects and provide a robust delivery plan. His Budget on 19 March provides the platform for not only confirmation of the Government’s commitment to infrastructure investment but also for a real plan of delivery,” adds Charlesworth.